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Beyond Borders: Environmental Journalism as Part of Bigger Picture


Side event by Free Press Unlimited at UNESCO's World Press Freedom Day Conference 2024

The side event on May 4, 2024 at 14:30 (GMT-4) will focus on what can be improved in ensuring safety and security of work of environmental journalists and communicators by embedding them in larger, cross-sectoral and cross-border networks and initiatives.

Through delving into the context, in which environmental reporting and communication are performed, such as environmental consequences of the wars, the increasing climate 'face' of global migration, the low level of environmental media literacy in many communities - we will look into creative and innovative ways for actors in this sphere to join forces with larger communities and stakeholder groups.

How can environmental journalism become a part of mainstream news agenda, government communication and non-profit activities? Are there lessons that environmental communication actors can learn from other sectors facing alike challenges? In discussing these topics, we will be building on experiences of projects and initiatives that have proven their innovative and efficient approaches, such as cross-sectoral network SCIENCE+ and experience from our partners globally.


Marius Daea, Romania.  Marius Daea is a freelance investigative journalist with over 30 years of experience. He began his career in journalism in 1993 and has since worked in radio, television, online, and multimedia. He is specialized in digital security for journalists, corruption, wildlife, the environment, energy, European affairs, human trafficking, money laundering, and counterfeit goods trafficking. He has experience in cross-border collaborative investigations.

Peter Georgiev, Bulgaria. He is a journalist with the Bulgarian National Television and a disinformation researcher with Science+. As a reporter for “Panorama”, BNT’s longest-running political programme, Georgiev covers domestic and international affairs, technology, education and sports. He also investigates disinformation trends in Central and Eastern Europe as part of the Science+ project.

His debut documentary, which aired in November 2023 on BNT, explored the reasons behind the floods that devastated Bulgarian towns in recent years. Georgiev previously reported on the American response to the coronavirus health crisis as part of NBC News’ investigative team in New York. He later joined the Global Investigative Journalism Network as its Social Media and Engagement Editor. Georgiev earned his Master's degree in data and investigative journalism from the University of Missouri.


Edyta Iwaniuk, Poland. Edyta Iwaniuk, journalist and anthropologist; 20 years of experience working in the newsrooms as a reporter, journalist, editor and manager in Polish media holding Agora S.A. media: Radio TOKFM, Metro Daily, Gazeta Wyborcza. For 3 years an independent journalist, involved in the reporting on migration crisis in Poland and projects supporting newsrooms as well as in cross-border cooperation. Recently finished SSE Stockholm Sustainable Media Management Programme and started MBA in management of cooperatives of the future. Founder of People, Information Democracy foundation who aim at improving media literacy. Edyta is volunteering at Sustainable Strategies Network foundation.


Mohamed Dahir Warsame, Somalia. Chairperson of the Media Association of Puntland, he is a passionate media and human rights activist known for his work as a web producer, photojournalist, and digital native. With a Bachelor's degree in Mass Communication from the Khartoum International University of Africa, he has dedicated his career to championing the need for an enabling environment for media practice in Puntland. Currently, he is leading a grassroots campaign to establish the Puntland Access to Information Act, promoting transparency and freedom of information. Additionally, Mohamed has been actively involved in improving the media's role in disaster risk management. His efforts with MAP have demonstrated a deep commitment to using media as a tool for social change and progress, particularly in disaster risk management. Through his tireless work, Mohamed continues to be a driving force in the pursuit of justice, transparency, and the empowerment of media in Puntland.

Moderator: Maryia Sadouskaya-Komlach.

Maryia is a media development specialist, editor, and journalist with more than 15 years of professional experience. She has lived and worked in Belarus, U.S., Czechia, Poland, Belgium, the Netherlands, and France and managed projects involving 20+ countries in Eastern and Central Europe, Central Asia, and Central America. Maryia’s research interests are democracy transition, human rights, media development in "closed" environments, including exiled media, disinformation, and the development of new communication and media strategies and responses. She heads Free Press for Eastern Europe, a press freedom organisation based in Prague, Czechia, a regional office of Free Press Unlimited.


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